
I go to sleep more easily. I find things to do when other people are doing things. My favorite thing was Raindrop. – girl., age 6 (Individual Program)

I used to not be confident and I would easily get frustrated. I’ve come a long way. I don’t say as many bad things about myself, my attitude has improved and I am more focused. I am glad I’ve finished and I think I’m finally where I want to be. – boy, age 10 (Individual Program)

The presentation was enlightening and informative. Presenters were very knowledgeable. Info/techniques were clearly demonstrated and immediately usable. (camp staff – training session)

I really enjoyed the holistic approach. It was very relaxing and I learned new techniques. I would be interested in learning more. (camp staff – training session)

Any skepticism held by teachers diminished after a week or two. Students in classes appeared enthusiastic about their participation. Students in other classes expressed their desire to participate. – (summer elementary school coordinator)

I tried Brain Gym with my ESL students (grades 3-6) during summer school for almost four weeks and I observed a noticeable improvement in some of my struggling readers.

I observed a noticeable improvement in some of my struggling readers. The students enjoyed participating in the Brain Gym program and they learned to coordinate their eye and hand movements which helped them copy notes from the whiteboard with greater speed and accuracy.  In addition I noticed that these students have also shown improvements  in their memory skills, they retain and recall information better. – (ESL Elementary school teacher)