
Ongoing Workshops and Lectures with Mariola and Her Guests

Our Children, Ourselves – A Biography Workshop with Jennifer Brooks Quinn

We will journey through the first 3 seven year phases of human development and begin to discern the wisdom, riddles and questions that each phase offers us. This exploration, through artistic activities and conversations, will allow for a deeper understanding of our child’s soul development, as well as our own.

“I am bored” – with Jennifer Brooks Quinn and Mariola Strahlberg

We hear it often from kids today. They get angry and cranky, they have nothing to do. How do we help them transform boredom into fun and creativity? Come to explore your own relationship to boredom, share your approach and gain new insights.

Celebrating Life – Being Grateful – the Elixir for life, with Elissa Menasse and Mariola Strahlberg

Gratitude is often misunderstood and sometimes hard to communicate. Using Compassionate Communication, we learn a way to share our gratitude while celebrating life (both ours and others).

The Joy of Sprouting at Home with Rivky Engle

Join us for a hands on demonstration on how to sprout foods at home with few easy steps and simple equipment. Rivky Engle, mother of 3, will discuss health benefits of eating sprouted grains and seeds and share why she changed her family’s diet. Tasty samples and free recipes will be provided. Seeds and sprouting equipment will be available for sale.

Monthly New Moon Celebrations

A meditative get together to support people in creating and clarifying their intentions for the coming month. For date and time, please email

Mind-Body-Spirit: Youth Health the Janusz Korczak Way

This talk was first presented at the 2018 AERO (Alternative Education Resource Organization) Conference at the Long Island University. You can listen to it here. 

Weekly Wellness Mondays

At The Nest in Hillsdale, New York. 9:15 am – 10:30 am. Ear acupuncture, movement, meditation and oriental medicine wisdom.

Sample of Past Workshops and Lectures offered by Mariola:

Introduction to Alternative Treatments for Children with Learning, Behavioral, Emotional and Health Issues, Swedish Institute, a College of Health Sciences

Understanding Today’s Children, Anthroposophical Society, NYC

The Heart of the Practitioner and Caregiver, Integrative Pediatric Conference, Swedish Institute, a College of Health Sciences

Acupuncture – The Chinese Art of Healing, various local libraries

Essential Oils and Aroma Therapy, various local libraries

Color Therapy and Its Application in Complementary Medicine, various local libraries

Lyme Disease: How Complementary Medicine Can Help – Lyme Support Group, Suffern, NY