We ask for help with contacts with schools, community centers and camps so we can bring our innovative programs out into those venues.
Please send the email to shiningmtnny@aol.com with contact names or your ideas.
The Center strives to offer full or partial scholarships to children and parents who lack financial means to participate in the individual and group programs and summer camps.
We are actively seeking nominations for children who have special needs, as this is our integral mission. Nominations may be submitted by academic institutions, educational organizations, individual clinical practitioners, qualified administrative and support staffs of after school care organizations, support services groups, adoption agencies, and the like. Nominations made by individuals, parents, caretakers, and donors will also be equally considered. As the Executive Director of the Shining Mountain Center for Peaceful Childhood, Inc., it is Mariola Strahlberg’s responsibility to announce the request to solicit nominations for scholarship awards.
The application must be submitted by an adult, i.e. teacher, academic director, coach, counselor, program director, youth advisor, benefactor, administrator, parent, etc. Only one SMCPC Scholarship not to exceed $3,600.00 will be awarded to each child.
Students and youth between 4 and 25 years old are eligible. The Parent or Guardian must provide documented need for services in the SMCPC program, and must demonstrate circumstances that prohibit the applicant from affording the cost of the program i.e. (last year’s income as reported on the Federal Income Tax return Form 1040 or proof of public assistance program).
Personally accept our invitation to nominate a candidate by downloading and completing the nomination form, OR forward this request someone who will make a nomination.
Click to Download Nomination Form
Thank you, we sincerely look forward to receiving your nomination.
If you have questions or need additional information please do not hesitate to contact us at 845-425-7243 or via email.
If you would like to contribute to the Shining Mountain’s Scholarship fund, please donate here.