Volume 2, Issue Two – May 2012
Volume 2, Issue One – February 2012
Volume 1, Issue Four – December 2011
Volume 1, Issue Three September 2011
With this newsletter, we would like to keep in touch with our old friends,present participants of the programs and make new friends. We ï¬nd thatthrough networking with you, we are able to spread the word about thespecial programs we offer as well as provide valuable testimonials oftheir efï¬cacy to those who are seeking services. Let us know whatinformation you would like to see in the future newsletters.
Shining Mountain Center for PeacefulChildhood Inc. was incorporated into a not-for-proï¬t organization in January,2007 in order to expand ourservices to those that due to theirsocioeconomic status would notbe able to beneï¬t from ourprograms. Our goal is to reach asmany individual families aspossible, as well as to offer ourFive Star Program© to childrenin public and private schools,summer schools and camps, andafter school programs to fosterpeaceful coexistence at homeand in the classroom setting(more about the program in thenext newsletter).Our focus is on providingsolutions for learning,behavioral, emotional and healthissues of today’s children and onaccomplishing realistic short andlong-term goals. By providingsimple, useful tools, we assistchildren and their familiesachieve their maximum wellnessso they can thrive and connect with one another easily andjoyfully. We have seen childrenand parents go from frustrationto an openness and willingnessto see their situations freshly andwith enthusiasm.We look forward to offeringsupport to the ShiningMountain’s past participants sothe tools they have learnedremain vital and easilyaccessible to them on a dailybasis. We offer retreats forparents to renew, refresh andrecharge as well as eveningrefresher courses. We are open toexploring possible topics ofinterest and would welcome yoursuggestions. Our deepest desirealways was, is and will be toenhance the well-being ofchildren and their families. Wevalue team work, education,communication, respect, andinnovation. Together we canmake a difference. Let us hearfrom you soon.
Today, many students struggle with aggressive behaviors, depression or poor concentration due to learning challenges, lack of movement, restless sleep and poor diet. For the past nine years, Shining Mountain Center has been helping students reach their highest potential. Through the use of a few simple, hands-on tools, practiced on a daily basis, students have demonstrated marked improvement in academics, sports and social skills in as little as twenty-one days. The program can be used short or long term, assisting students in all aspects of their development, whether at home, in school, in after school program and in summer camp.
Five Star Program© consists of 5 simple steps: PACE, Attention, Vision, Essential Oils, and Deep Breathing.
Movement is essential to maintain one’s health and well-being. PACE, four simple Brain Gym® movements allows children to use both sides of their brains to make learning easier and more fun. Children are asked to give their full Attention to a task in twenty minute intervals and are allowed to take a short break. A T.A.B. (Take a Break Area) is set up in a classroom or bedroom corner with red, blue and green paintings, seasonal objects from nature and different texture. A child is allowed to spend 1-2 minutes in that area, to relax, refocus and return to their work with renewed concentration and enthusiasm.
Vision is the foundation of the Five Star Program©. Before start- ing any of the other steps, one sets positive intentions for the activity at hand. When we set intentions we become aware that what we say and think has a direct effect on how we feel and how easily it happens in our lives. Each intention is written with clear, positive words and begins with an “I†statement. Disease cannot exist in an oxygen rich environment. Essential Oils offer additional oxygen to every cell in the body within 20 minutes of application. Smell, unlike other senses can exert a direct effect on the limbic system of the brain, it’s emotional center. We inhale them or use them topically to increase concentration, calm the nervous system and help with sleep. Deep breathing is also crucial in oxygenating the brain. A vigorous 10 minutes of walking or running (or some other type of aerobic exercise) helps us breathe deeper and is both fun and energizing in the morning and afternoon.
Our Board:
Mary Lee Batesko, PhD
Debra Ingrando-DeEntremont
Liba Engel, PhD
George Lemery – Vice President
Joyce Reilly
Russ Rudish – President
Paul Speziale., Esq. – Secretary
Mariola Strahlberg – Ex. Director
Nick VanSant
Newsletter editors:
Elissa Menasse and Mariola Strahlberg
Shining Mountain Center for Peaceful Childhood, Inc.
11 Beckett Ct, Monsey, NY 10952
Phone: 845-425-7243
email: shiningmtnny@aol.com
Website: shiningmtnforkids.com
Events at the Shining Mountain:
Importance of Play & Movement for the Developing Child – TBA
with Mariola Strahlberg, LAc.
Spring Cleanse – is that practice for you?
April 6th, 2011 at 8 pm
with Nick Riccio, NC
Nutritional Microscopy
May 16th, 2011 at 11 am
May 3rd, 2011 at 7:30pm
June 1st, 2011 at 7:30pm